Advanced System Reporter Customization

As a Sitecore employee, I spend a lot of time doing site reviews.  One of the best ways to get a quick snapshot of things is via the Advanced System Reporter module.  I’ve learned quite a bit about modifying the reports and creating my own using this module.

Adding Fields to Results

The first thing that I found that I didn’t realize was possible is to add in additional fields to a result set.  For example, say you wanted to view the Not Recently modified report. Your base page template has a custom field called “Region” that is used to categorize the which region the content applies to.  You want to follow-up on some of this old content and so you want to be able to see the value in the Region field.  If you edit the report, you can see that it uses the Item Viewer as the viewer for the report.  In the configuration area for the ASR module, under Viewers, if you locate the Item Viewer, you can view that to see the fields it renders.  Opening that, you can see a default list of fields that it renders, but of course, it doesn’t include the Region field. If you click the Edit button in the “Viewer” section to add new fields, the field options available do not include the Region field. As it turns out, you can add this field.. very easily!

Any of the viewer items can be edited to add or remove fields that it shows.  To do this, you can either click the drop-down next to the Column Name and choose a field that represents what you want and then click the Column Header box and give the header a name.  Clicking Add, it’ll add that and you should now see it on the results page.  You can, however, click the drop-down box and making sure that the top value is selected (this is configurable, by the way), you can simply type the name of the field, a name of the Column Header and then click the Add button.  If you need to change or correct it, or add another custom field, after you add the field, click it again and hit delete to clear the value and type a new field name.

A useful thing about this is that you can create your own custom viewer items for viewing specific fields that may be useful in multiple reports.  Then in those reports, you would simply add the new Viewer to the existing viewer on the report.  This will create a combined view of all the column headers in a single report.

Updated Filter

Here’s some simple code I adapted that is similar to the “Created Between” field, but instead allows you to filter by the Updated dates.  I put this in the Filter folder in the ASR.Reports solution.

class UpdatedBetween : BaseFilter
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets from date.
 /// </summary>
 /// <value>From date.</value>
 public DateTime FromDate { get; set; }
/// <summary>
 /// Gets to date.
 /// </summary>
 /// <value>To date.</value>
 public DateTime ToDate { get; set; } /// <summary>
 /// Whether to use the first version
 /// </summary>
 /// <value>Use first version.</value>
 public bool UseFirstVersion { get; set; }
public override bool Filter(object element)
 Item item = null;
 if (element is Item)
 item = element as Item;
 else if (element is ItemWorkflowEvent)
 item = (element as ItemWorkflowEvent).Item;
 if (item != null)
 if (UseFirstVersion)
 var versions = item.Versions.GetVersionNumbers();
 var minVersion = versions.Min(v => v.Number);
 item = item.Database.GetItem(item.ID, item.Language, new Version(minVersion)); 
 DateTime dateUpdated = item.Statistics.Updated;
 if (FromDate <= dateUpdated && dateUpdated < ToDate)
 return true;
 return false;

Items with Template Inheritance

I thought I’d share a couple other things I created.  The first is that none of the parameters allow for choosing items that might use a certain template either as the type or as a base template.  This is a little resource intense, but I had a client who needed this and creating this made them very happy.. so I figure someone else will probably need this too.

The first thing you have to do is create a Template parameter.  This is basically an item selector that will only allow you to choose from templates.  Create a new item under System > Modules > ASR > Configuration > Parameters.  I called mine Template.  The type is going to be Item Selector since we’re selecting a TemplateItem.  I set my default value to the Standard template.  Next, the filter value I set to this so that it will start with the Template root item and then return back a tree for the templates.

displayresult=Name|valueresult=ID|root={3C1715FE-6A13-4FCF-845F-DE308BA9741D}|folder={3C1715FE-6A13-4FCF-845F-DE308BA9741D}|filter=@@templatename='Template' or @@templatename='Folder' or @@templatename='Template Folder'

The first thing we need is to create a custom class that does this.  Here’s the code for my class that I adapted from one of the other scanner classes:

class ContentWithInheritance : BaseScanner
 public readonly static string DB_PARAMETER = "db";
 public readonly static string ROOT_PARAMETER = "root";
 public readonly static string CASCADE_PARAMETER = "search";
 public readonly static string TEMPLATE_PARAMETER = "template";
// This initializes the scan
public override ICollection Scan()
 var databasename = getParameter(DB_PARAMETER);
 var db = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(databasename) ? Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase(databasename) ?? Sitecore.Context.ContentDatabase : Sitecore.Context.ContentDatabase;
// This grabs the item that is chosen as the root item for the items to scan. 
var rootpath = getParameter(ROOT_PARAMETER);
var rootitem = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootpath) ? db.GetItem(rootpath) ?? db.GetRootItem() : db.GetRootItem();
// This grabs the template that is selected by the Template parameter in our Scanner Item.
var template = getParameter(TEMPLATE_PARAMETER);
TemplateItem templateItem = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(template) ? db.GetTemplate(template) : rootitem.Template;
// This selects the scope for the scan
Item[] items;
 switch (getParameter(CASCADE_PARAMETER))
 case "0": //children
 items = rootitem.Children.InnerChildren.ToArray();
 case "1": //descendants 
 items = rootitem.Axes.SelectItems("descendant-or-self::*");
 //case "-1": //item
 items = new[] { rootitem };
var results = new ArrayList();

foreach (Item item in items)
 if (IsTemplateDescendant(item, templateItem))
 return results;
// Here's a simple check that looks at the template and then all the base templates until it finds a match. 
private static bool IsTemplateDescendant(Item item, TemplateItem template)
 return ((item.TemplateID == template.ID) || IsTemplateDescendant(item.Template, template.ID));
private static bool IsTemplateDescendant(TemplateItem templateItem, ID itemTemplate)
 if (templateItem == null || ID.IsNullOrEmpty(itemTemplate))
 return false;
 return ((templateItem.ID == itemTemplate) || templateItem.BaseTemplates.Any(baseTemplate => IsTemplateDescendant(baseTemplate, itemTemplate)));

As you might imagine, this is fairly resource intensive, so you may want to limit the items scanned rather than scanning the whole “Content” tree to start.

Next, you’ll need to create a scanner item.  I created one called Items with Template Inheritance.   This will take an Item selector parameter and a Template parameter as we saw in the code.  So the fields look like this:

Assembly:  ASR.Reports

Class:  ASR.Reports.Scanners.ContentWithInheritance

Attributes:  root={Root}|search={Search}|template={Template}

Now you can use this scanner in a report to return back only items that inherit from your chosen template. Now, for those times when you need to find all the items of a certain type, you’re all set.

I hope this was useful for someone.   Happy Sitecoreing!

Custom Access Rights and Workflow Commands


So one of my clients had a specific need to allow a specific subset of users to be able to publish stuff directly to the web, bypassing the workflow.  Sounds easy?  Here’s the specifics of their needs:

  • They only have 1 workflow in place for all site(s).
  • Content templates are varied and do not necessarily inherit from a specific template
  • They need to have only some users bypass the workflow only on some items while other items they should only have their regular permissions.
  • The workflow in place is a simple “Editing –  Approval  – Published” 3 step workflow.
  • There is a very large amount of existing content all over a very large site which any major change could potentially have an impact on.
  • The developers for the site are in China and the client is a site admin out of New York with no access at all to the file system or server.

So… here’s my thought process:

This was actually a lot trickier than I had first expected and in digging in to things, I found that there were hidden levels of complexity with the particulars of the solution that I didn’t expect.  Basically I tried to find a way to do this strictly on the front end without the need to add any custom code.  There was just no way that I could think of to do this on the front end only without a risk to the current solution.   I actually tried multiple approaches to find a way to implement this that wouldn’t require access to the backend.

Second Workflow?

This is complex.  There is existing content already published using their main workflow.  New versions of this content would need to use the new workflow.  New versions of the content would ONLY need to use this workflow for some users and not others.  The content template was not the same across the board for their needs. Not only would we need to get the existing content moved to the new workflow, but we’d need to work out some logic to assure that a subset of all newly created items would use the new workflow and override standard values for only a specific group.  This would work, but it’s a potentially complex solution to implement, would require a lot of custom coding and would potentially be difficult to maintain.

Create New Templates?

This assumes that the content in question lives in a single folder.  Another option would be to create a template that inherits from the current template(s) and set the workflow on standard values.  This could mean multiple new templates that need to be created (the folder would have to be inventoried to make sure which ones), but more importantly, it would require changing the template on existing content, potentially breaking it in the process.  This approach, I think is very clunky and would also be difficult to maintain.

Custom Access Right!! 

What I came up with instead is a way to alter the existing workflow to simply add another command that in addition to the “Submit” the appropriate users would also see a “Direct Publish” command along with the “Submit” command.  The new command sets the next state to be “Approved” instead of “Waiting Approval” and proceeds through the workflow as usual to the normal “approved” state.  Since the Approved state has an autopublish action on it, they simply need to get it to the approved state and the workflow does it’s thing.

To control access to this command, we would create a role(s) and then grant only that role the Workflow Command Execute right.  The tricky part of that, however, is to limit when that command is available since that should only be an option on certain items.  The easiest way to do that is to create a new access right, configure which items would have the option to set the right on it (such as by setting a “root” item and then it inherits down to its descendants allowing that right in the security editor for the specific role.  This result is that the only the items specified can have the right set and any other items that it’s not set on or not allowed, will not give access to this additional command.  This approach is completely flexible, it’s extendable to add other subsets of items to have this same permission, and its controlled via standard Sitecore security.

Code now please?

First.. you need to have the access right.  It must inherit from AccessRight

public class DirectPublishAccessRight : AccessRight
public DirectPublishAccessRight(string name) : base(name) { }
public static AccessRight DirectPublish { get { return FromName("direct:publish"); } }

Next, I need to hijack the authorization helper for items so that Sitecore knows to check my access right.  Here’s how I did that:

public class DirectPublishAuthorizationHelper : ItemAuthorizationHelper
        protected override AccessResult GetItemAccess(Item item, Account account, AccessRight accessRight, PropagationType propagationType)
            //This method applies the specified AccessRight.           
            var result = base.GetItemAccess(item, account, accessRight, propagationType);

            // First, lets check to see if the result returns back anything or if it's denied, return since we don't need to do anything
            if (result == null || result.Permission != AccessPermission.Allow)
                return result;

           //  If the access right isn't our new access right, pass it on to be handled by the base object methods.
           //  From here on out, only checks against the direct publish access will get through.
            if (accessRight.Name != "direct:publish")
                return result;

            //  Now, if the access right is not even applicable to the item for this user, return it as not set.  
            if (!AccessRightManager.IsApplicable(accessRight,item))
                return new AccessResult(AccessPermission.NotSet, new AccessExplanation("Access right not applicable", null));

            //  if the access right gets this far, the permission is going to be allowed. 
            var ex = new AccessExplanation("This item can apply the Direct Publish command");
            return new AccessResult(AccessPermission.Allow, ex); 


Now that we have that done, we have to work out exactly how we’re going to get Sitecore to use the helper class we just created. Here’s how we did that:

public class DirectPublishAuthorizationProvider : SqlServerAuthorizationProvider
        public DirectPublishAuthorizationProvider()
            _itemHelper = new DirectPublishAuthorizationHelper();
        private ItemAuthorizationHelper _itemHelper;
        protected override ItemAuthorizationHelper ItemHelper
            get { return _itemHelper; }
            set { _itemHelper = value; }

Here’s the access right.  Next I’ll add in the Workflow code that I used to be able to take control of the commands that were visible.  Look for the next installment on that soon!

Please let me know if you have any pointers.  This was a real challenge for me and the lack of documentation on this made it a challenge to implement.


ECM Users and Roles

Let me state that one of the things I have to do is help clients come up with a solution for some situation that they find themselves in and Sitecore doesn’t have an out of the box solution for.  Tonight I had a request from a co-worker to see if I had any ideas on how to clean up a mess they made trying to implement Email Campaign Manager without any real plan for what they doing or the impact that it would have on the site.  Essentially, what happened is that a young, eager beaver developer read through what ECM did, decided it was the perfect tool to handle the all the correspondence that they sent to their users and promptly installed the module for a closer look.  After a quick investigation, he found the import function, quickly downloaded their userbase into CSV and started the import process happily on his way to sending glorious emails.  At some point he either decided it was taking too long or something.. but he managed to make a huge mess out of the user base that they had.  I’m not sure the whole extent since this was a co-worker, but now they needed to know how to get rid of all those users out of their database.  Sitecore, by default, allows you to delete users.. one at a time.  This is just not feasible if you mistakenly import your whole user base in and decide you don’t want it.  I’ve done that before and ended up just starting with a fresh Core database so then used serialization to get my data back. I happened to be working on another thing for another client that was actually the exact opposite of this situation and decided that if I could use the API to import users.. I could do it to get rid of them.   I built out a page that handles this and thought it might come in handy to someone else out there.   I’ve tested this briefly with test content and it worked just fine.  Your results may vary.. so please, please, if you use this, back up your CORE database first.  It’s only something I wrote for a quick fix that might be easier than starting with a fresh Core DB.

This is a simple .aspx page that I would suggest placing in your /sitecore/admin folder.  That ensures that only an administrator level user can access it at all.  Once logged in, it will allow you to choose a domain.. which auto populates all the roles for that domain.  The domain selection wasn’t really necessary, but I also had the idea that you could edit the selection of domains to restrict someone from accidentally deleting something like your whole extranet user base by accident. You then choose the role that you want to remove and presto.. any user that belongs to that role will be deleted along with the role.  Again, this is NOT really meant for anything other than cleaning up an ECM install or some other situation that you need to get rid of a lot of users in one fell swoop that are stored in the Core database so don’t leave nasty grams complaining that it didn’t work for you if you are doing anything other than using the out of the box Sitecore ASP.NET membership provider.   Also, if you simply want to remove users from roles, this can easiliy be edited to do that.. but at this time, it is NOT.  This deletes the user account and the role completely.

Finally, I have, by default, disabled this page by default.  One must edit the page, similar to how some other admin type of pages that come with Sitecore are configured to work. Enabling or disabling it means manually editing the .aspx page and setting a property on the page to true.. which enables and disabled the button that submits things.  Enjoy and again, please note that it’s very late and I’m very tired and if you find obvoius flaws. please share them politely so that I may correct my code.

Thank you and happy Sitecoreing!

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" %>
<DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<script runat="server">
// TODO: to enable the page, set enableUnlockButton = true;
private bool enableUnlockButton = false;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
 this.SubmitButton.Enabled = this.enableUnlockButton;
 if (!Page.IsPostBack)
 this.Domain.DataSource = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDomainNames();
 this.Domain.Items.Insert(0,new ListItem("Please select a domain",""));
 SubmitButton.OnClientClick = "return confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete the users in this role and the role?');";

protected void SubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
 if (Roles.SelectedValue.Length > 0)
 List<string> users = new List<string>(System.Web.Security.Roles.GetUsersInRole(Domain.SelectedValue + '\\' + Roles.SelectedValue));
 if (users.Count > 0)

foreach (string s in users)
 System.Web.Security.Roles.DeleteRole(Domain.SelectedValue + '\\' + Roles.SelectedValue);
 Domain.SelectedIndex = 0;
 catch (Exception)


protected void Domain_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
   if (Domain.SelectedValue.Length > 0)
      List<string> roles = new List<string>();
      foreach (string s in System.Web.Security.Roles.GetAllRoles())
        if (s.Contains(Domain.SelectedValue))
           roles.Add(s.Remove(0, s.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1));
      Roles.DataSource = roles;
 catch (Exception)

protected void descriptionLiteral_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
   this.descriptionLiteral.Visible = !this.enableUnlockButton;
<head runat="server">
 <title>Remove Users in Sitecore Role</title>
<style type="text/css">
   font-family: normal 11pt "Times New Roman", Serif;

   color: red;

 <form id="form1" runat="server">
 <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
    <asp:Literal runat="server" ID="descriptionLiteral" EnableViewState="false" OnPreRender="descriptionLiteral_PreRender">
      <p>This page is currently disabled.</p></pre>
To enable the page, modify the ASPX page and set enableUnlockButton = true.
    <h1>Remove All Sitecore Users in a Sitecore Role </h1>
    <h2>Use this form to remove all users permanently that are in the selected Domain and Role.</pre>
    <h2>In order for this form to work, it must be placed in the /sitecore/admin folder.&nbsp;</h2>
    <h2 class="Warning">PLEASE BACK UP YOUR CORE DATABASE! </h2>
    <h2 class="Warning">This is NOT reversible!! Please make sure you know what you're doing!!!</h2>
           <td style="width:200px;">
             <asp:Label ID="DomainLabel" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="Domain">
              <asp:Literal text="Domain:" runat="server" />
           <asp:DropDownList AutoPostBack="true" ID="Domain" runat="server" style="width:300;" onselectedindexchanged="Domain_SelectedIndexChanged" />
            <td align="right">
             <asp:Label ID="RolesLabel" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="Roles">
             <asp:Literal Text="Roles:" runat="server" />
             <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
                <asp:DropDownList ID="Roles" runat="server" />
                <asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="Domain" />
            <td><asp:Button ID="SubmitButton" runat="server" Text="Submit" OnClick="SubmitButton_Click" /></td>

WFFM Custom Field Type made easy!

Anyone who has used the Sitecore module “Web Forms for Marketers” knows that although the module is absolutely the coolest thing ever to let marketing people create all their own forms, if you’re a developer and you need to make a form that has a form field with any bit of back-end logic to it, there’s just no way to do any of that with the out of the box form fields.  There is some excellent documentation out on the SDN for creating custom user fields.. however, it’s not complete in that there are 2 types of forms fields – A User control field type (basically an ascx type of file) and a Web Control that you would create from scratch.  The documentation covers creating the web control type of field.  However, I think most people would find it much more useful to create a simple ascx type file to extend a normal field type to allow for back-end business logic to be performed.  This is my purpose for this post.

So basically what I was needing was to be able to take a drop down list, populate it with Sitecore type data..which you can do.. except that this data required a complex query to filter items.. and then the items needed to be sorted.  Sitecore query handles that query very well.  Anyone who has built a template has gotten familiar with this and the module handles that quite well.  The problem is that there just isn’t any way to put an inline command for sorting and WFFM doesn’t have any out of the box way to sort data dynamically generated date in the drop down field type.

The thing to realize is that user control field types really are just a basic user control that extends the WFFM base user control – Sitecore.Form.Web.UI.Controls.BaseUserControl.  Also, in order to use the “Title” that is specified in the form designer, you’ll need to implement the  Sitecore.Form.Web.UI.Controls.IHasTitle interface.

Oh and lemme add this because you’ll need it for the sorting:

public class SimpleComparer : Comparer

{<br />
   // This just compares the items and sorts them by their name.<br />
   protected override int DoCompare(Item item1, Item item2)

   {<br />
      string x = item1.Name;<br />
      string y = item2.Name;<br />
      return x.CompareTo(y);<br />
   }<br />

This is easy enough to do.. but since it took me a bit to sort through the WFFM assembly to find out what it was doing, I’ll save you guys some of the trouble.   I tried this in a 6.5 instance with WFFM 2.3 and my control worked beautifully.   Basically your control needs to inherit a few classes and then create your control like you would any other control. And no comments about my choice of coding techniques! I don’t care.. that’s not my point.

    // The control must inherit either &quot;BaseUserControl&quot; for user controls or &quot;BaseControl&quot; for web controls.  I also<br />
    // implement the IHasTitle interface to allow the user to set the title for the field in the form designer diaglog.

    public partial class CustomFormDropdown : Sitecore.Form.Web.UI.Controls.BaseUserControl, Sitecore.Form.Web.UI.Controls.IHasTitle

    {<br />
        // This sets the value of the label to be the value set by the user in the form designer.<br />
        public string Title<br />
        {<br />
            get<br />
            {<br />
                return this.DropLabel.Text;<br />
            }<br />
            set<br />
            {<br />
                this.DropLabel.Text = value;<br />
            }<br />
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        {<br />
            //create my collection of Sitecore items with a Sitecore query.  This can be done however works best for you.<br />
            //This list, actually, is collecting all the Workflow action items.. for no other reason than that I didn't want to bother creating it<br />
            List selectionItems = new List();

//Sending item collection off to a comparer class.
            SimpleComparer com = new SimpleComparer();

<p>            //binding the data to my drop down list item.<br />
            ActionTitle.DataSource = selectionItems;<br />
            ActionTitle.DataValueField = &quot;ID&quot;;<br />
            ActionTitle.DataTextField = &quot;Name&quot;;<br />
            ActionTitle.DataBind();<br />
            ControlContainer.CssClass = this.CssClass;<br />

Now that you have created your user control, the last step is to implement the code that WFFM will need to be able to get the value from our form field. You can also implement some of our custom properties as well. Depending on what you put in this area, you can add additional fields to your form designer.

<p>        // Properties that are added by the form designer.  These are purely optional and are here to show you that you can do this if you want<br />
        // Notice there are properties such as "DefaultValue" that can be left blank.

        [VisualProperty("Css Class:", 600), DefaultValue ("scfDroplistBorder"), VisualFieldType(typeof(CssClassField))]

        public string CssClass { get; set; }</pre>
<p>        // Properties<br />
        [VisualProperty("Help:", 500), VisualFieldType(typeof(TextAreaField)), Localize, VisualCategory("Appearance")]

        public string Information { get; set; }</p></pre>
// Take note!!  This is the mucho important part!!!
        // This is required by WFFM to get the value from the drop down when the user submits the form.

        // This is all the code you need!<br />
        public override Sitecore.Form.Core.Controls.Data.ControlResult Result<br />
        {<br />
            get<br />
            {<br />
                //ControlName is automatically set by WFFM.  Don't set this.

                //The second part is for a string to represent the value of your drop down.<br />
                //The 3rd one is for optional parameters and is completely optional.

                return new Sitecore.Form.Core.Controls.Data.ControlResult(this.ControlName, this.ActionTitle.SelectedValue, null);<br />
            }<br />
        }<br />

Here’s my simple html ascx page.

<asp:Panel ID="ControlContainer" runat="server">
  <asp:Label ID="DropLabel" runat="server" CssClass="scfDropListLabel" AssociatedControlID="ActionTitle" />
  <asp:Panel ID="DropDownPanel" CssClass="scfDropListGeneralPanel" runat="server">
    <asp:<span class="hiddenSpellError">DropDownList runat="server" id="ActionTitle" CssClass="scDropList" />
    <asp:Label ID="dropDownHelp" Style="display:none" runat="server" />
<br />

Now as I said, there were some optional fields that you can set up to show in the form designer. If you don’t do that.. then your form field will have no fields other than the title and analytics which is handled within Sitecore anyway. Once you have your user control saved, go into the /sitecore/Settings/Modules/Web Forms for Marketers/Settings/Field Types/Custom , create a new item using the Field Type template. Then down in the “code” area of the item, put in the link to your control “/controls/CustomFormDropdown.ascx” (without the quotes).

Now, when you create or edit forms, you’ll have your new user control available and it should return its value without incident and you now have a snazzy new form field type for future use.

Please let me know if I’m forgetting anything here..

Sitecore install error: Web Client Service is Unavailable

I recently had a client who was trying to install Sitecore and they got this error.

I know that I’d seen the error before but I couldn’t remember needing to take any special steps to fix it.. or find any issues that resulted from it.  When I tried to find more about it, I also didn’t find a lot of meaningful documentation without a lot of digging around.  Although this is not a serious error.. and really not even an error, it can be distressing to someone who is trying to install Sitecore for the first time.  I thought I would share what it means and what to  do about it.  First off, let me give props to Sitecore Guild for this post which pointed me in the right direction.

As it turns out, this error is happening when Sitecore tries to configure Webdav support during the installation process… which in case  you’re not familiar.. is a protocol that allows for transfer of files via a web share (as opposed to having to map a network drive or using FTP).  The support for Webdav in Windows happens via the web client service and the error is occurring because it is unable to properly configure IIS to support Webdav for your site without the service running.  It happens in particular when you try installing Sitecore on a Windows Server 2008 install because the default installation does not install the Desktop experience package.  This service is not needed for any other purpose other than to enable Webdav, so if you’re not using Webdav, it won’t matter to you at all one way or another.  In Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 it’s available and enabled and Windows Server 2003, it’s installed .. although it’s not enabled by default.   I suspect that a lot of developers (myself included) probably installed Sitecore for the first time on their own laptop.. which would have it enabled by default.  Once they played with it and felt comfortable, they go to install on the server suddenly this unknown error pops up.

Now.. to answer your next question.. what do you do about it?  The answer, quite simply, is click ok and proceed with the install.  As I said, this is really more of a warning than an error.  Sitecore still configures your installation to support Webdav.  It doesn’t (as near as I can tell) change much of anything with the installation and mostly affects the configuration of the new IIS site.  If you know that you’re going to need Webdav, you have 2 options.  The first is that you can still do nothing.  Webdav requires additional configuration in addition to what is set up during the install process and you can wait til later.  The SDN  has a whole document that covers Webdav configuration, including the steps to enable this service.  If you would rather, you can also back out of the installation and go enable the service and then try installing.  You can find detailed instructions on how to do that here.

Either way, this error is not serious and should not stop you from finishing up with your Sitecore install.  It’s merely a warning about a lack of Webdav support and unless you’re using Webdav, there’s no reason at all for you to worry about it.

Hope this was helpful!  Happy Sitecoring!

Sitecore upgrade assistant?

So welcome to my first post on my Sitecore experiences blog.  As a Sitecore Solutions Engineer, I thought it was about time to start my own blog of my experiences with Sitecore and hopefully be able to pass along some of my own knowledge and experiences to all of you.  What I am currently working on and would welcome feedback on is the upgrade process for Sitecore.

I recently had a customer who was trying to upgrade from Sitecore version 6.1.x and they wanted to get to the current Sitecore recommended version.  In doing so, they would have had to go to the upgrade page and go through the process of mapping out all the individual updates they would need to install to get them to the current version.  We ended up providing them with the update versions to install.. which was done via a manual process of looking at each update and finding out a prereq and then adding that prereq version to the list.  With Sitecore there isn’t a clear upgrade path that allows for you to just install “the upgrade” and be done with it.  Since there are so many different updates and most updates have a prerequisite update that you have to have installed before you can install that update, this can be quite tedious and involve installing 4-5 installs.  This still doesn’t sound like that big a deal until you throw in the fact that you have to walk through about 8-10 steps per upgrade.. which doesn’t include counting all the steps to adding things to .config files.. which can be several steps as well.   To further complicate this, not all upgrades are needed.. only certain ones.. and there are also “optional” steps to the upgrade process.  All of this has to happen and if you miss a step, you could potentially have to start again (i.e. my customer didn’t have a backup for each update and had one of the upgrades gone wrong, he would have had to start at the beginning after doing a restore).  The more complex the Sitecore install is, the harder this whole process is going to be.  I also have to mention that there are lots of modules out there that also have upgraded separately from the actual upgrade.  All of this makes for quite the undertaking and there doesn’t seem to be an easy route to doing all this.

I have decided to try to build a web based upgrade assistant.  No.. it won’t do the update for you… but it will help you in figuring out what you NEED to install.. what files you’ll need to do so.. give you some step by step instructions, provide you with links to modules (at some point.. not sure how easy that will be since there are so many that are 3rd party) and then if there are optional steps to consider in the update, .. it will help you make informed decisions about those decisions (sometimes this is rather complex.. and given that there are going to potentially be a lot of times where a developer isn’t even familiar with Sitecore going into the install process, making these sorts of decisions really ends up requiring some help from Sitecore Support).  So this is my goal.   Wish me luck. 🙂

If you have any feedback or comments.. I welcome them.